I.M. Pei's Sanctuary of Study in Washington, DC


Some of the most beautiful rooms in DC are libraries. This striking space in the National Gallery of Art houses an extensive collection of art and design research materials. But as impressive as this space is, most Washingtonians have never seen it in person, because it’s off the beaten path and requires an appointment for the first visit.

If I.M. Pei's goal was to create a room of contemplative serenity, he definitely nailed it. The chairs are by Mies van der Rohe, the minimalist tables are custom Pei designs, and the sculpture in the room's center, more than 17 feet tall, is by Harry Bertoia.

Doing research in this space is one of my favorite ways to spend a summer afternoon. If you have a chance, seek it out. The National Gallery of Art was Pei’s gift to the nation, and this hidden-away gem is one of its beautiful secrets, waiting to be discovered.


The Vignelli Canon – A Design Education in One Book